Preston Grisham

Preston Grisham

Public Policy Professional
Tech Enthusiast
App Developer


about me

Preston Grisham is an accomplished technology and public policy professional, with vast experience in government relations, strategic communications, and software engineering. With a diverse background spanning various sectors, Preston currently serves as the head of federal public policy communications at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he leads the development and execution of comprehensive communication strategies to advance AWS's policy objectives and foster productive relationships with key stakeholders.


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public policy professional

I blend my background in computer science, public policy, strategic communications, media engagement, and stakeholder outreach to assist innovative companies and organizations across the country be more successful. I assist clients in pressing for policy solutions that promote innovation, protect competition, and advance the digital economy.


tech enthusiast

I have always had a passion for technology and gadgets. Ever since I began writing software programs and taking computers apart in third grade I knew I wanted to be involved in this sector. I enjoy staying up on all the latest tech news and products. I will use this site to share my personal thoughts and ideas about the latest products and trends in the geek ecosystem.


app developer

I am an avid app developer and learner continuing to work on new ideas that I believe will be used by many to make their lives easier and more fun. I currently have a few apps in the iOS app store with several more in production. I look forward to sharing my latest products soon.

College Football 2022 App

DC Metro App


The Lighter side — my instagram feed